7 Common Motorcycle Accident Myths Debunked

7 Common Motorcycle Accident Myths DebunkedMotorcycle riding always becomes more popular in warm weather months, so we wanted to compile a list of just a few of the common myths that have been circulating for years about motorcycle safety that people still repeat and could contribute to accidents and injuries if they are not debunked.

Myth: Motorcyclists wear leather to look cool.

Truth: While a guy riding a motorcycle wearing a leather jacket definitely looks cool, they don't just wear leather jackets as a fashion statement. Leather is a durable, strong material which protects the rider from road rash and from the wind. Leather can withstand a lot of abrasion (much more than human skin) before it tears or melts, and it stretches and conforms to your body shape.

Myth: A helmet won't help in most crashes, so why bother wearing one?

Truth: Department of Transportation (DOT) approved motorcycle helmets protect riders' heads and allow them to survive crashes far more successfully than riders who ride without a helmet.

Myth: If you are going to crash, lay the bike down.

Truth: If you can anticipate a crash before it happens, your best option is to use that time to do whatever you can to avoid a collision. If that is not an option, you need to stay upright as long as possible so that you can slow the bike down. The faster the bike is moving at the point of collision, the more serious the injuries and property damage.

Myth: Other drivers will see you.

Truth: Never assume that a motorist sees you. Stay out of other vehicles' blind spots, wear bright, visible, reflective clothing, ride defensively and keep a safe distance from the other vehicles on the road. These defensive driving maneuvers can help keep motorcyclists safer on the road.

Myth: It’s fine to split lanes on Chicago roadways.

Truth: The only place where lane splitting is legal is in California, so even if it’s safer (one study there revealed that it is safer to lane split in heavy traffic than for a motorcyclist to stay in one lane), it’s still illegal.

Myth: The motorcycle rider is always at fault for causing the crash.

Truth: This is patently false. Our motorcycle accident attorneys have investigated countless cases where a crash was the result of the motorist not seeing the motorcycle rider. Other factors contribute to motorcycle crashes such as roadway debris, slick roads and potholes, none of which are the fault of the motorcycle rider.

Myth: You can't afford to hire a motorcycle attorney.

Truth: The Chicago motorcycle accident lawyers at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers take cases on contingency. This means that you do not pay any attorney fees until they have recovered compensation for you. This also means that you do not have to pay anything up front. A lawyer is your advocate as your case moves towards either settlement with the insurance company, or towards litigation.

If you have suffered a serious injury in a motorcycle crash, a skilled Chicago motorcycle accident attorney is ready to represent your interests and fight for the fair compensation you deserve.

At Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers, we know the truth about motorcycle crashes, we know how to figure out what causes them and hold the responsible parties accountable for our clients’ injuries and other losses. For a free case review, we encourage you to call 312-600-9585 or contact us now.