More Cars With High Front Ends Means More Pedestrian Deaths

Choosing a big car with a high front might make drivers feel safe, but it turns out that this design can be extremely dangerous for people walking around, especially small children. Whether the driver chose the large vehicle for its intimidating profile, its spacious interior, or simply because it was the one on the lot…

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Pedestrians Face Injury Risks from More Than Just Cars

When many people think about pedestrian accidents, they often imagine the individual being hit by a car, motorcycle, or truck. However, the truth is that pedestrians walking around the bustling city of Chicago face many risks that do not involve motor vehicles. Instead, some of these accidents happen due to various factors, such as construction…

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What You Need to Know About Chicago’s Smart Street Pilots Ordinance

Chicago is taking big steps to prioritize street safety for its residents. Recent legislation has been passed to improve street infrastructure with a focus on protecting pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation. This includes proper street design with visible markings, adequate space for pedestrians and cyclists and physical barriers to shield them from motor vehicles. By…

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How Can Pedestrians in Chicago Stay Safe?

There is lots to see in Chicago. From Navy Pier, to the Art Institute, to our famous Millennium Park, our city offers attractions for tourists to the city. With our wide variety of shops, restaurants, museums, and hidden gems such as Fat Johnnie’s, there is something to do for everyone, including our native Chicagoans. Chicago…

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