Nerve Damage Can Be a Life-Altering Injury

Nerve Damage Can Be Life-AlteringNerve damage, also known as neuropathy, can have severe and long-lasting consequences on a victim's life, whether caused by accidents, medical conditions, or other factors. Serious nerve damage can lead to a range of complications that significantly impact a person’s mobility and overall well-being.

What are the complications related to serious nerve injuries?

Complications of nerve injuries can be severe and life-altering. Some common complications include:

  • Chronic pain: This refers to sensations ranging from mild irritations to severe, sustained pain throughout day-to-day experience. Chronic nerve pain, also known as neuropathic pain, is challenging to manage. A person with a pinched nerve in their back, for example, may experience persistent shooting or burning pain that affects their ability to carry out daily activities, requiring multi-faceted pain-management strategies to better cope.
  • Loss of mobility: Serious nerve damage can cause partial or complete paralysis, resulting in a loss of independence. A spinal cord injury leads to paralysis below the point of injury, making it impossible to walk. According to a May 2023 CBS News report, modern advancements are seemingly on the horizon that may serve as a solution to this loss of mobility, but the science is still in development.
  • Sensory impairments: Nerve injuries can lead to loss of sensation, making it difficult to detect temperature changes, pain, or even touch. A person with nerve damage affecting their hands may struggle to feel hot or cold surfaces, impacting their quality of life and increasing their risk of accidental burns.
  • Muscle weakness: Nerves play a vital role in controlling muscle movement; damage to nerves can result in muscle weakness or atrophy. If you are unable to exercise, let-alone move a certain muscle, it will inevitably wither.
  • Emotional and psychological impact: Chronic pain and loss of mobility can lead to emotional distress, anxiety and depression. The frustration and limitations caused by nerve injuries can have a profound impact on a person's mental well-being, affecting their overall quality of life.

Understanding the range of complications associated with nerve injuries highlights the importance of early diagnosis, appropriate medical care and rehabilitative therapies to improve the outcomes, and help you cope with the life-altering effects of such injuries.

How severe is damage to the vagus nerve?

The short answer is very. This vital nerve plays a crucial role in controlling essential bodily functions, including digestion, heart rate and breathing.

If you were to suffer severe nerve damage to the vagus nerve, this injury can lead to a number of serious complications, such as chronic digestive issues, where the stomach fails to empty properly, causing constant nausea and discomfort. More critically, your heart's rhythm may become erratic, leading to dangerous fluctuations in heart rate, increasing instances of fainting or sudden losses of consciousness.

The severity of this injury goes beyond physical pain. It disrupts the body's automatic functions, severely impacting your quality of life. Managing such severe nerve damage requires comprehensive medical care, rehabilitation and often long-term medical and emotional support.

What are the leading causes of permanent nerve injury?

There are a multitude of situations that can occur in the Chicago area that put damaging force on your body, leading to these injuries. Below is a list of the most common causes of permanent nerve injury:

  • Car, truck, or motorcycle accident injuries: Any automobile accident that exerts excessive force on the nerves can lead to nerve damage.
  • Assault: Physical assault, especially incidents that result in your body being slammed on the floor, can result in nerve damage.
  • Slips and falls: Slips and falls on unmarked or poorly marked hazards can result in similar nerve injuries as listed above.
  • Medical malpractice: Surgical errors, such as nerve laceration during an operation, can cause lasting nerve damage.
  • Chronic medical conditions: Conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis and certain autoimmune disorders can damage nerves over time.
  • Infections: Certain infections, like shingles or Lyme disease, can affect the nervous system and result in long-term nerve damage.

How much compensation can I seek for nerve damage?

Every case is different, so there’s no set amount of damages you can automatically claim; the more severe your injury, and the more it affects your life, the greater your award is likely to be. For example, losing all feeling in one’s pinky finger may not have a life-altering effect on most people, but it surely does on anyone who types for a living, or plays an instrument professionally.

If you were injured in Chicago and sustained nerve damage, you can seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, including any costs for future care
  • Lost wages, including a loss of earning potential
  • Pain and suffering, both physical and mental
  • Property losses (if applicable)
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Costs for services such as daycare, private tutors, housekeepers, or other professionals to handle daily tasks you can no longer handle on your own
  • Funeral and burial expenses in the event the injury proves fatal

With a dedicated Chicago personal injury lawyer on your side, you can rest easier. At Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers, we understand the effect these injuries can have. We also know that dealing with insurance companies can be frightening. You don’t have to face them alone; that’s what we’re here for.

The challenges of physical and emotional recovery put enough on your plate. Have Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers fight for your fair compensation so that you can have all of the resources you need to make the most of life after your injury. Call or contact us in Chicago today.