Scientists Discover Secret Tunnels between the Human Skull and Brain

Scientists Discover Secret Tunnels between the Human Skull and BrainCBS Chicago reported on August 28, 2018, that Boston scientists have made a startling new discovery. Dr. Francesca Bosetti, who works for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, said that researches “always thought that immune cells from our arms and legs traveled via blood to damaged brain tissue.” Now, a new study, has revealed that immune cells may use a faster route when stroke or accidents cause a traumatic brain injury. The immune cells, according to the study, may travel from the bone marrow of the skull through secret tunnels to the brain’s lining.

How the study was conducted

The study was performed at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Matthias Nahrendorf focused the study on neutrophils. Neutrophils are the equivalent of the immune system’s “first responders.” Neutrophils respond when the body detects inflammation. The neutrophils were studied when patients had a stroke. The neutrophils were taken from the bone marrow in the body’s skull or leg bones and then tracked in mice.

The study found that more immune cells came from the bone marrow of the skull than from the bone marrow of the leg. Nahrendorf said this finding led researchers to examine how the neutrophils reached the brain in response to the inflammation. After studying numerous angles, Dr. Nahrendorf said. “Unexpectedly, we discovered tiny channels that connected the marrow directly with the outer lining of the brain.”

Adding to the interesting findings was the observation that the neutrophils rushed in while blood was rushing out through these newly-discovered tunnels. Dr. Nahrendorf’s team is now studying what other cells may use these secret tunnels and how else these tunnels can improve human health.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) often change a victim’s life forever. Common causes include auto accidents, construction accidents, explosions, and falls. Accident victims with a TBI often require a lifetime of medical care. Most victims lose cognitive abilities, suffer physical pain, cope with depression, and lose their quality of life. Many TBI patients can’t work again or must take a less demanding job.

If you or anyone you know suffered a traumatic brain injury due to an accident, the Chicago TBI lawyers at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers can help. We work with numerous doctors and your own treating physicians to show just how devastating your injuries are. We’re respected for our skill at holding responsible drivers, companies, and others accountable for TBI injuries. To make an appointment with a caring lawyer, plase call us today at 312-600-9585 or send us a request through our contact form.