What is a Wrongful Death Attorney?

The hardest part of living is having to face the inevitable tragic circumstances surrounding death. Since it can come at any time, many people, unfortunately, do not have a chance to say goodbye first. This is typical in cases of wrongful death.

Wrongful death cases implicate that another person’s unlawful or otherwise dangerous actions are linked to the death of someone else. As family members or representatives of the estate of the deceased, you have a right to monetary compensation for related damages. This means to the world to people who are seeking release from the pain and sorrow of having to come to terms with the loss of someone important to them. Unexpected deaths shake the world for spouses/partners, children, and parents in ways that they cannot prepare for. Aside from the grief, the worries that stem from financial woes and trauma involved with having to cope with the loss compound to make the situation more overwhelming and stressful than they should have to deal with.

If you live in the area of Chicago, Illinois, and you believe that you have a case to represent on behalf of your loved one regarding their wrongful death, then it is advisable to seek the guidance of a professional and empathetic wrongful death attorney. You should not have to walk up this mountain of tragedy on your own, and an attorney will help you resolve the case and get you ready to have the space and stability you need as you begin the road to personal recovery.

Call or email Neal Gainsberg at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers to receive a free evaluation of your case, and find out what your options are to represent your loved one in a wrongful death case. He will help you understand the statute of limitations for filing, the elements of the Wrongful Death Act, the Illinois Survival Statute, and most importantly, offer relief in a time of great distress.

