What Rights Do I Have If I Fall at a Store?

Often customers at stores fall, or are injured at a store or business, because of some sort of danger at the store. It could be something from the shelf that fell in the store. It could be a slippery substance. It could be a grocery store where there is a leaking shelf or other defective device in the store.

If you are injured at a store, you need to do three basic things. First, you need to make sure that a store employee or manager knows about this and makes an incident, so there’s documentation about what happened at the store. Number two, you need to get treatment for your injuries. If you are injured at a store and you have pain, it’s incumbent upon you to go to a doctor, to go to the hospital, to make sure your injuries are documented. Third, you need to speak to an attorney, because an attorney will make sure that your rights are protected.

Slip and fall cases, especially in stores, are some of the more difficult cases in the state of Illinois. Stores will go out of their way to protect themselves and try to shield themselves from liability. They will blame the customer, even though you’re not supposed to. But in slip and fall cases, they blame the customer first, rather than the store blaming itself. The store will try and exonerate its employees and say it was completely the customer’s fault. So that’s why getting an attorney is important.

At Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers, we have handled many slip and fall cases. We have brought claims against a numerous amount of stores and businesses. We have brought claims against Jewel, we have brought claims against Mariano’s, we have brought claims against Home Depot, we have brought claims against all the name brand stores throughout our city and county and state. If you’re injured from a slip and fall in a store, please call us at 312-600-9585 or contact us. We look forward to representing you, getting you justice. Please also visit our website at GainsbergLaw.com. Trust our Chicago premises liability lawyers to help.