Your Options When Hit By An Uninsured Vehicle in Chicago

Uninsured Vehicle in ChicagoNormally, when you are in a car accident with another motorist, their insurance company will pay for your damages and compensate you for their negligence. But, what happens if the other driver does not have insurance? The Insurance Research Council has reported that one out of every seven drivers on the road is currently uninsured. In Chicago, this means that dozens, if not hundreds, of car accidents every year will involve uninsured motorists.

Even with uninsured vehicles, you have options

If you have been in a car accident, especially if you have suffered injuries, you should ask for the other driver’s insurance information at the scene. If they give you faulty, expired, or no insurance information because they are not covered, it is important that you contact a Chicago car accident attorney as soon as possible. While you do you have legal recourse, there is a statute of limitations and, because of accident evidence, timing is of the essence.

You pay premiums on your car insurance every month to protect yourself in case you are at fault in a car accident. Additionally, you pay those premiums so that, if you are hit by an uninsured vehicle, you are entitled to compensatory damages. Insurance companies are notorious, however, for not paying in full and for not thoroughly investigating what damages you should be paid. You will need a dedicated Chicago car accident lawyer to help you make your case to the insurance company. There are many intricacies that make it easier if you do not try to represent yourself. If you have retained counsel, the insurance company is also more likely to take your claim very seriously and attempt to settle.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist claims

It is sad but true: insurance companies won’t take you very seriously and less you have retained an attorney. You can file an Uninsured Motorist (UM) claim or an Underinsured Motorist (UIM) claim. A UIM claim is one in which your insurance premiums and payouts are higher than that of the person who hit you. No matter what type of claim you have, an aggressive Chicago car accident attorney is necessary to help you get the restitution you deserve.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Chicago car accident with an uninsured or underinsured individual, you will need adequate representation and an advocate with your insurance company. Chicago car accident attorneys at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers have a long-standing success record in similar cases and want to speak with you about your options. We can help you navigate the ins and outs of this complicated process. For a complimentary consultation, call 312-600-9585 or contact us today.