The Causes of Rollover Vehicle Accidents

The Causes of Rollover Vehicle AccidentsCars, SUVs, jeeps, small trucks, vans, pickup trucks, and other vehicles often flip over causing immediate death or serious injury to the occupants. Passengers have the right to hold the driver accountable if their carelessness or reckless behavior caused the accident. If a car rolls over and strikes another car or pedestrian, the occupants of the other car and the pedestrian can also bring a negligence claim.

According to statistics compiled by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 4,500 cars are involved in fatal rollover crashes each year. About 2,500 pickup trucks flip over and kill someone yearly. Other vehicles account for another 1,050 fatal rollover accidents. Contributing factors to rollover deaths include drunk driving and not wearing a seatbelt. Vehicles with a high center of gravity are more likely to roll over than other vehicles.

According to Consumer Reports, rollovers account for just three percent of all vehicle crashes but 30% of all traffic fatalities.

Reasons vehicles flip over

Any vehicle, no matter the center of gravity, can roll over if:

  • The driver is going too fast for traffic conditions. This is especially true when a car is going through a turn. Responsible driving requires slowing down before a driver enters the turn.
  • The car operator is driving under the influence. Drunk drivers and drivers under the influence of alcohol or narcotics don’t have full control of their cars. They are unable to respond quickly to emergency conditions.
  • The car is traveling on rural roads. Many rural roads don’t have the safety requirements that help warn and guide drivers. For example, rural roads often don’t have adequate lighting. There aren’t dividers and barriers to force the driver to stay in the right lane. Many rural roads are uneven and need repair. Unsmooth surfaces can cause the driver to lose control and flip the car into the air.
  • The driver is distracted. Drivers who text while driving, talk on their smartphones, or who fail to concentrate can easily lose control of their vehicle. The driver may swerve too severely as he/she tries to avoid hitting a car it got too close too. The driver may veer off the road and onto another surface causing the tires to be uneven.
  • The car has faulty tires. If the tires don’t fully grip the roads, an oil patch or a wet surface can cause the care to slide and flip. If the tires have different pressures, this can cause the driver to lose control. Tires should be properly inflated and that should have the right amount of tread.

The Consumer Reports article also noted that 95% of rollover accident involving just one car are not due to faulty steering. They are due to the car or other vehicle “tripping” on something such as a pothole, curb, road debris, a road edge, or road shoulder at the same time the vehicle is swerving. Top-heavy vehicles are much more likely to rollover without being tripped than other vehicles.

Cars can also rollover if they are struck by another car especially if the front of one car strikes the side of another car.

Rollover accidents often devastate families. Riders often die. Survivors often suffer traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damages, broken cuts, severe cuts and bruises, and other harms. The Chicago car accident lawyers at Gainsberg Injury and Accident Lawyers have the experience and resources needed to hold responsible parties accountable. We have been strong advocates for crash victims for more than 20 years. For hep ow, please call us at 312-600-9585 or complete our contact form to make an appointment.